Yuki Lei will use her years of experience to: > Promote housing that working families can actually afford
> Improve our aging park facilities > Support new economic opportunities to diversify our economy > Protect our natural beauty and resources > Push to finally find a solution to the Upcountry water problem > Allocate resources to achieve the State’s goal of 100% clean energy by 2045. Through her role as Chair of the County Council’s Infrastructure and Transportation Committee, Councilmember Sugimura is able to address many of the urgent issues facing Maui County such as housing, sea level rise, and the preservation of Maui Nui’s priceless environment and ecology. The development of smart, durable, and cost-effective infrastructure is vital to addressing these issues. Infrastructure costs often prevent affordable housing developments from moving forward. Member Sugimura has worked diligently to partner the County with federal, state, and private partners to move key infrastructure projects forward. Projects such as the Waiale Road Extension and the Central Maui Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility in Waikapu will provide a path forward for the construction of over a thousand new housing units in the Waikapu Country Town and Wailuku Apartments developments. A new Central Maui Wastewater facility also serves to gradually decentralize the tsunami-zoned Kahului WWRF, and moves critical county infrastructure away from the shoreline. In finding effective and modern solutions for the County’s wastewater infrastructure, Member Sugimura will continue to work toward securing funding to aid affected residents with cesspool conversion from the State Revolving fund and other funding sources.